What’s On 2024/2025

Below is the latest programme for meetings which in most cases commence at 19.30 hrs in the Burley Memorial Hall, Common Lane, Waverton, Chester, CH3 7QN. Please note that Operating Evenings and Committee Meetings are normally held at the Waverton Institute which is immediately adjacent to the Burley Hall and which has its own large free car park. Check back frequently for updates and changes to the programme.

Jan 24  
2/1 No Meeting
9/1 Committee - 8.0pm Waverton Institute
16/1 Annual Construction Contest
23/1 Construction Contest entrants will tell all about their pet projects.
30/1 Surplus Sale - a chance to clear your shack after all the Xmas Goodies have been installed.
Feb 24  
6/2 Bring & Tell
13/2 Committee - 8.0pm Waverton Institute
20/2 An all new edition of "The Other Man's Shack" not to be missed.
27/2 An Introduction to the MacLoggerDX Logging Software - Ian M1ICL
Mar 24  
5/3 Club equipment audit
12/3 Committee - 8.0pm Waverton Institute
19/3 Quiz with Wrexham & Marches Amateur Radio Club (7.30pm as usual)
26/3 Ham Radio Deluxe ($49.95) v DX Labs (Free) Chris G0PJX
April 24  
2/4 Annual General Meeting
9/4 Committee - 8.0pm Waverton Institute
16/4 Quiz with Wirral & District Amateur Radio Society at the Burley Hall
23/4 Natter Night and Brains Trust. You bring the questions and hopefully together we'll find an answer.
30/4 Contesting Techniques/Tactics (Digital & Analogue Contests) with Phil G8IPT
May 24  
7/5 Operating evening at Forest Hills taking part in the RSGB 144MHz FMAC and 144MHz UKAC Contests. Arrive from 6.30pm.
12/5 "Mills on the Air" activation at Stretton Water Mill using the call GB4SWM. Arrival 10.0 am at the car park for erection fun.
14/5 Committee - 8.0pm Waverton Institute
21/5 Remote Working with Niel G8UEK
28/5 All things RSGB with a visit from our Region 3 District 34 Rep Mike G4VSS
Jun 24  
4/6 Some interesting experiences with tuning mechanisms with Bill G6ATO
11/6 Committee - 8.0pm Waverton Institute
18/6 Bring & Tell
25/6 "The life and times of Guglielmo Marconi" by Bill GW8HPL
July 24  
2/7 Operating evening at Forest Hills taking part in the RSGB 144MHz FMAC and 144MHz UKAC Contests. Arrive from 6.30pm.
9/7 Committee - 8.0pm Waverton Institute
16/7 Natter Night
23/7 A gentle introduction to the wonderful worlds of Meshtastic and LoRa with Trevor G7REV and John M0VAZ
30/7 Season ending Pie & Pint evening at the Waverton Arms (Previously the "Black Dog" in Waverton). This new incarnation has no website yet but the post code is CH3 7PB. See CAMRA Page for a bit more info. Given the proximity of the event we will need numbers by 23rd July. Menus can be see here; FRESH FROM THE GRILL, DESSERTS, CARVERY, PUB CLASSICS & LIGHT. These 5 menu pages should now be taken as valid for choice and price unless advised here otherwise. Choices will need to be given to the pub after we meet on the 23rd. All welcome. Names ASAP to infocadars@gmail.com This will be our last meeting until we start up again in September.
Aug 24  
  There are no scheduled meetings in August however we do plan a visit to the Secret Bunker and a Radio Picnic at Llyn Brenig at some points in the month. Check back here for details and at meetings to the end of July.
25/8 We intend to participate in the annual British Inland Waterways on the Air (BIWOTA) event on Sunday 25th August from the Chester Motor Boat Club. We intend to set up the clubs Doublet Antenna using our K3 Transceiver. There are toilet facilities on site and parking is available in Sandy Lane adjacent to the Sailing Club and municipal paddling pool. Bring your own chair and refreshments and join in the fun by the River.
Sep 24  
2/9 Bring & Tell. A chance to tell us all about your exciting and interesting acquisitions during the summer break.
9/9 Committee - 8.0pm Waverton Institute
16/9 Surplus Sale. The club has been donated an interesting quantity of fixed & mobile antennas plus some equipment including VHF & UHF hand helds. A chance to boost club funds and acquire some useful gear. Bring your own surplus for our own Master Auctioneer Dave G4JMF to sell.
23/9 "Escape from Microsoft" but not into the hands of Apple. A night not to be missed with Phil G8IPT and John M0VAZ.
30/9 TBC
Oct 24  
7/10 TBC
11/10 Committee - 8.0pm Waverton Institute