This is a service to members of the Society who wish to find, sell or exchange items of electronic or amateur radio equipment. Non members are very welcome to make an offer.
The Society is not responsible for any advertisement placed here and all transactions which take place are the sole responsibility of the parties involved.
To place an advertisement send an email to Members Ads providing the following information;
- A short description of the item wanted, for sale or possibly swap. A photo can be incorporated if provided.
- The sale price or description of what might be expected in exchange
- Contact details i.e. email, phone or "see me" at the next meeting
To respond to an advertisement please use the contact details specified for the item concerned. Double clicking on Contact Details which are highlighted in blue will enable you to send an email directly to the advertiser.
Please advise Members Ads when an item is acquired or sold. Items will be automatically deleted from the list after 3 months unless you ask for them to remain listed.
Description |
Contact |
New listings coming soon so check back frequently | |||
Icom IC-7300 HF 6/4m Purchased from new ML&S Nov 2020 Unmarked and from non smoking environment. Complete with mic, power lead, manuals and fully boxed. Only issue is the common clock battery. Can send photos on request and /or offer to demo at your QTH if local. Now reduced to £700.0. | ![]() |
Paul 2E0VZT Tel 07803901607 Email | |