Notice Board

NB Heading dates given refer to the date a notice is posted.


Changes to Construction Competition - 17th January

Following the postponement of last weeks meeting on 7th Jan, we are going ahead with the competition next week (21st January) following the procedures outlined here. To maintain anonymity, entrants should take their entry to the kitchen on arrival and will be given a number to place with it. Remember to bring a brief outline of what your entry is. Members will then be invited to look at the entries and write the number of their choice on paper provided, this will be collected as they leave the kitchen and the votes totalled to decide the winner. Entrants will then be invited to describe their projects. Of course the winner of the competition will receive the coveted trophy.


10th January - 145 Alive Event on 26th January

The next 145 Alive activity will take place on the 26th January 12 noon till 3pm local. There are 57 nets now signed up for the event in the UK. 2E0VZT, John M7RTB and other members of Chester & District Radio Society under the club call G5CH will be net controllers on Halkyn Mountain for 145 Alive. Map location (53.2302823, -3.1968756). The operating frequency on 2m FM Simplex will be 145.400 Mhz. When calling in please supply call sign, name, SR and Maidenhead Grid locator. We will endeavour to pass people around if possible so please be patient. Everyone is welcome to say hello whilst on Halkyn. See more details at the 145 Alive page on Facebook including a listing of nets.

6th January 2025 - Meeting Cancelled.

Unfortunately we will have to postpone the meeting for Tuesday 7th January. Due to illness Dave Wilson is not able to attend to judge the competition and we are also concerned that the recent weather issues mean that travel for some members may not be ideal. We are planning to keep Tuesday 21st January as a Construction Competition evening, probably a talk and perhaps some form of judging on the same night.

11th December 2024 - Discord App

For those interested in getting/posting short relevance messages such as net frequency changes or sending general requests/enquiries to other members the Discord App is useful. To join this closed community for Society Members only send a request to to be invited.

18th January 2024 - Net Calendar

All club nets between 1/1/24 and 31/3/24 are listed in this handy calendar produced by Ian M1ICL. Check back for subsequent updates.

30th August 2022 - M1SUM SK

Following the sad passing of Derek Sumner M1SUM his family have asked that we assist in the disposal of his equipment. It is likely that the Surplus Sale scheduled for 25th October will be the night when the equipment goes on sale unless offers are received and accepted in advance. A list of all items can be seen by clicking here. All enquiries to

22nd July 2022 - Pie and Pint Evening on 26th July 2022 at 7.0pm

The bookings and menu choices have now been made with the pub for those who have given their names.

24th June 2022 - Pie and Pint Evening on 26th July 2022

Dave G4JMF has exhaustively tested all pubs serving pies and pints in the area and is now recommending The Stamford Bridge Inn. The Pub is quite willing to arrange the seating to suit our requirements dependent on final numbers. They do however request that we pre-book our food orders from their web site menu and that we inform them by email on or before July 19th together with final numbers. Can all those who definitely intend to attend on the night let us know by emailing giving numbers and menu choices - obviously before July 19th!

23 June 2022 - Details of gear to be sold at the Surplus Sale on 28th June 2022

Long time member G3ZVH and his XYL have contacted the Society to say that they are returning to South Africa in the near future for health reasons. David has very kindly donated all his amateur radio gear to the Society to raise money for club funds. Dave G4JMF and Bruce M0CVP have compiled a list of this equipment which will be sold at the forthcoming Surplus Sale on 28th June. The list can be viewed by clicking here (amended 23/6/22). Dig deep it's all for the club! Other items not donated by Dave Bedford will also be on sale on the night.

14th September - Christmas Social 2018 (ALL TICKETS NOW SOLD)

We will be holding our Christmas Social at Cheshire View this year on Tuesday 4th December (time 7.0pm for 7.30pm). The Menu can be seen by clicking here. Menu choices and payment are not required yet but all those intending to be there please let us know by emailing Paul G3TZO.

4th June 2018 - Special Event Call GB2CRS QSL Card

All people working GB2CRS will receive the QSL card below. There is no need to send a card to GB2CRS. Details on









16th May 2018 - G5CH allocated to the Society.

To celebrate our 70th anniversary this year Ofcom have allocated us the callsign G5CH. This is the original call of the Chester Wireless Society which existed from 1923-1939. We will use this call in addition to G3GIZ and G8GIZ. The callsign will be particularly useful in contest working being both distinctive and short.

7th April 2018 - GB2CRS Operations

We celebrate our 70th Anniversary in June which will be marked by a Special Event Call GB2CRS which runs for the whole of June. Book your operating slot with our Chairman Glynn by first checking the available slots by downloading this schedule which will be updated accordingly.

7th April 2018 - 70th Anniversary Dinner on 16th June 2018

The Society will be celebrating 70 years since its formation in June this year. To mark this significant milestone we will be holding a dinner to be held at Cheshire View on the evening of 16th June. It is hoped that all members both past and present together with guests and representatives from RSGB and other local societies will be able to join us. Let our Chairman Glynn know how many tickets you will require.

19th July 2017 - Military Radio Show - Whitchurch (19th & 20th August 2017)

For those interested in Military Radio details of the "Throughout the Ages" event at Whitchurch featuring a fully operational military command post can be seen by clicking here. The military radio display is the work of Simon Shillabeer 2E0MRS who has a very impressive page which details his interest in all things to do with military radio. The show website is

17th December - RSGB Year Book 2017

Contact Bruce if you would like to borrow our copy of the RSGB Yearbook 2016. This contains the latest callsign information and over 1.25 million words. With 176 pages of amateur radio information it remains the most comprehensive guide to amateur radio in the UK and worldwide.

1st November - Xmas Social Menu

Our Xmas Social will take place at Cheshire View on 6th December with a start time of 7.0pm for 7.30pm. The Menu choices can be viewed by clicking here. Let our Chairman Paul G3TZO have your payment and menu choices by 23rd November together with any dietary restrictions. The Social will be an informal affair to get us all in the festive mood for Xmas.

18th October - Xmas Social on 6th December.

The Committee has agreed that we should test members enthusiasm for a Xmas Social to be held at Cheshire View on 6th December. Given the proximity of 6th December we will need responses by the end of this month to

18th September - HF Web SDR

Glenn, M0PEA, has recently added a full HF coverage SDR to his website. It can be found at at Glenn is still working on the antenna and trying to reduce the PSU noise.

10th August - Field Practice Run #2

We will be at Cheshire View on Wednesday 24th August testing equipment and aerials in preparation for our entry in SSB Field Day. Activity will commence around 10.0am with erecting the operating tent and antennas. We would aim to conclude mid afternoon. See What's On for any updates.

7th April - Alan Burgess G3LPO Silent Key

We have had the sad news from Fiona the daughter of long standing member Alan Burgess, G3LPO, that he passed away on 5th April after a long battle with Dementia. Alan's funeral will be held on Monday, 25th April at 1.20pm at Blacon Crematorium.

14th February. 0-30V DC/AC METER Project (Alastair G3NHP)

This is a, led display meter, switchable from dot to bar graph. The front end measures 0-30 volts in 1 volt steps using a test probe and ground lead, or test leads. Connected to the measurement probe is an audio sounder which operates when in contact with any voltage, this may be switched off when not in use.

The system operates from a 9volt PP3 battery, this can also be switched off when not in use. When the input is switched from the front probe to the rear input socket, the display will monitor an input from a remote battery or other DC supply in either dot or bar graph mode. If the supply monitored is greater than 9V the monitored supply will recharge the battery at the same time as monitoring the input voltage.

When the unit is not in use, any voltage greater than 9V to a maximum of 30V will recharge the battery. The unit is protected against incorrect voltage polarity together with protection against battery polarity reversal.

The photos below depict the PC Board before and after component fitting (less actual chips) and the open enclosure with PC fitted.



This short Video explains the basics of the kit and was produced by Keith, GW4OKT. The Society is looking for a minimum of six members to agree to build the kit. Please let Keith or Alastair have your names. The cost is circa £20.0 and depending on take up may be subsidised by the Society to encourage construction by members.


13th December - Manchester Top Band Radio Direction Finding Group - Events schedule for 2016.

The Manchester Top Band DF Group recently published its schedule of events for 2016 (See below) and we would welcome new participants from other radio clubs – DF is a niche within the hobby and many clubs find they are unable to generate adequate internal interest to organise events of their own. DF is a family friendly event. If anyone is interested in joining us please get in touch –

Sunday 13th December 2015.
Sunday 24th January 2016.
Sunday 28th February 2016.
Sunday 20th March 2016.
Sunday 24th April 2016.
Sunday 15th May 2016.
Sunday 26th June 2016.
Sunday 31st July 2016.
Sunday 28th August 2016.
Sunday 18th September 2016.
Sunday 30th October 2016.
Sunday 20th November 2016.
Sunday 4th December 2016.

10th December

Links used for our Dec 15th Meeting

15th November - New RSGB Online Survey

Five years ago, the RSGB undertook a comprehensive online survey of amateur radio in the UK. The data was used in the development of a vision and strategy for the Society.

A new survey was launched in September 2015 and all UK radio amateurs are invited to complete the online questionnaire. The questions are largely the same as before, so we can see what has changed since 2010. The number of questions varies depending on your circumstances, and the survey should take between 10 and 30 minutes to complete.

The survey can be found at and all amateurs are invited to complete it. The survey will remain live until the end of the year and the results will be published in the Spring of 2016

1st October 2015 - RSGB Yearbook 2016

Contact Bruce if you would like to borrow our copy of the RSGB Yearbook 2016. This contains a massive 544 pages of the latest callsign information and over 1.25 million words. With 176 pages of amateur radio information it remains the most comprehensive guide to amateur radio in the UK and worldwide.

28th April 2015 - Annual Dinner Cancelled

It has been necessary to cancel the Annual Dinner which was planned for 19th May. Unfortunately, too few members have expressed their intention to attend to make the event viable. Those of you who have paid for your places at the dinner will have your cheques returned by Dave in the near future.

23rd April 2015 - Low take up of tickets for the Annual Dinner

Current numbers for the Annual Dinner are too low to make it a viable event. If you were holding off a decision to attend but had not notified Dave G4JMF as below please do let him know ASAP or the event may be cancelled.

23rd April 2015 - Success for GW4OKT & G3UFO

  Another 'double' by the HaWK DX Group aka G3UFO and GW4OKT, who competed in the ARRL Centennial Challenge in 2014. The event took place between January 1st and December 31st 2014, the challenge being, to have confirmed contacts with as many ARRL members as possible. Certain officers of the ARRL were allocated points, so for example, if you managed to work Kay Craigie N3KN, the ARRL President, you would gain 300 points, other various amateurs were worth anywhere between 1 and 275 points. There was a feeding frenzy for points and QSOs at the end of the year of course! It was great fun and well worth it for a certificate to commemorate this one off event of 100 years of the ARRL. Keith and David are pictured here holding their trophies!


8th April 2015 - Annual Dinner

Can all those members wishing to attend the Annual Dinner at Cheshire View on 19th May please let Dave G4JMF have your name/s and menu choices ASAP. Forms with the available menu options can be obtained directly from Dave. Please note that cheese and biscuits are only offered as a fourth course at £2.00 extra and are not interchangeable with the Dessert.

31st March 2015 - Web Based SDR from Glenn Pearson M0PEA

Glenn has further updated the web SDR experiment to include 4m - check it out!

8th Jan 2015 - Web Based SDR from Glenn Pearson M0PEA

Glenn has updated the web SDR experiment which now covers 2m, 70cm, 10m and 11m. It also has a new URL although the old URL will continue to work.

29th July - Web Based SDR from Glenn Pearson M0PEA

Glen has provided a link to his experimental web based SDR receiver. Click here to give it a try. Glen say that the receiver allows multiple users to listen at the same time.  Currently covering the entire 2m band but with more to follow.

29th July - GB100CMM operating 1st to 3rd August from Chester Castle

All members are urged to support the Society as we prepare to do our bit in commemorating WW1 in this the Centenary year. We will be operating an HF station from Friday 1st August to Sunday 3rd August from within the Cheshire Military Museum at Chester Castle. Operations from circa 09.30 to 4.30pm every day.

16th June - Update - Annual Dinner at Cheshire View on 17th June.

Meet in the Members Bar for drinks at 7.30pm for an 8.0pm meal in the Conservatory.

9th April 2014 - Annual Dinner at Cheshire View on 17th June.

The Society's Annual Dinner will take place at Cheshire View, Christleton on Tuesday 17th June with a 7.30pm for 8.0pm start. The menu choices can accessed by clicking here. The cost will be £22.0 per person. This year we are featuring an Entertainer to amuse diners after the meal so members YL's, XYL's and friends keen on a good night out should apply here. Please let Bruce have your Menu choices.

17th March 2014 - Coffee Morning & Silent Key Sale to be held on 12th April

Through the kind offices of Nan & Les G0NMD we will be having a a Coffee Morning & Silent Key Sale on Saturday 12th April from 10.0am at Les's QTH - 7 Kennedy Close, Newton Chester CH2 2PL. You can check what equipment is available on our Members Ads page. Those wishing to peruse the goods before putting in an offer will have the chance to do so. All monies will be for Society funds.

22nd December - G100RSGB Participation Marked


Our participation in the RSGB Centenary Celebrations has been marked by a special certificate issued to all stations who activated the callsign G100RSGB during the year. Individual members who participated in activating the call can download a personal certificate using the following link. Note you must be an RSGB member as the link requires your RSGB login details.


19th December - Congratulations to M0PEA & M6LVA

  Well done to Glenn & Rachel who both had respective success in passing their Advanced and Foundation Licence courses in recent days. Glenn sports the new call M0PEA whilst Rachel can now take the operators chair as M6LVA. Well done both.


17th November - GW4OKT Operational as A47RS/ND


News from David G3UFO that he has worked Keith on 18Mhz CW and on 21Mhz SSB. Keith is running 100 Watts with an FT920 to a Log periodic Antenna. Keith was afterwards heard on 18Mhz working a pile up - no doubt on CW.

As Keith has a long taxi ride to get to the station, and he is on holiday, it seems unlikely we will get specific skeds. The recommendation is to listen on the 18Mhz CW section and perhaps 15m SSB section.

Click on the Photo to see Keith on the key!


8th November - Visit of Richard Newstead G3CWI of SOTA Beams on 26th November

Richard has provided us with details of his forthcoming visit on 26th November. Click here so see his information.

2nd November - Halton & District Amateur Radio Rally

The following information has been sent by email to our Hon Sec and is passed on for the information of members;

The Halton & District Amateur Radio Rally taking place on Saturday 16th November. As well as around 15 traders there will be a Bring & Buy and excellent catering facilities. We look forward to meeting some of your members at the rally. More information can be found at

2nd November - AA30 Antenna Analyser Video

Check out the new informative video on using the Society's new AA30 Antenna Analyser. The video can be accessed from the Useful Information page.

5th September - JOTA

Anyone with an interest in assisting the Helsby Scouts with their JOTA activity this year are welcome to join the Group Scout Leader, Owen, at the 1st Helsby Scout Group HQ in Lower Robin Hood Lane, Helsby, Cheshire WA6 0BW at 20:00 on Friday 13th September to discuss the arrangements.

13th August - Leasowe Lighthouse Operations 20th August

We will be meeting at 11.0am at the Lighthouse and plan to operate until mid - late afternoon depending on conditions. Directions by Road;
From Junction 1 on the M53 towards New Brighton on the A554 and take the first turning (signposted for New Brighton Rugby Club) and continue 3 miles along the A551 to Leasowe Common.

10th July - Jamboree on the Air

Any member who is keen to participate in Jamboree On the Air this year should note that there is a planning meeting taking place at 8.0pm on 16th July at Helsby Scout's HQ, Lower Robin Hood Lane, Helsby, Cheshire WA6 0BW. Contact Owen Campbell (2E0OPC) for details.

26th June - Pie & Pint Evening at the Plough Waverton

Our summer break takes place during August so to ease us into the mood we are holding a Pie & Pint evening at the Plough, Christleton on Tuesday 30th July at 7.30pm. The Menu can be seen by clicking here. Can those intending to go let either Bruce or Paul know (with their menu choice) at least one week in advance so numbers can be given to the Plough.

15th May - 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic - GB70BOA

Passes have now been made available by David G3UFO for those proposing to attend Fort Perch Rock on Wednesday 22nd April. Paul, G3TZO, has a few spare passes for anyone from the Society who wishes to go along on the day and has no pass. If you do not have a pass it will still be possible to enter Fort Perch Rock on payment of the usual £3.0 visitor fee . Their are seven confirmed attendees so far who plan to operate from about 10.0am until late afternoon on the 22nd. No rota has been devised as it is assumed that most people will be there for the day. Those not there for the duration will be able to operate if they wish to do so. It is intended that we make every effort to work as many stations as possible during the day taking advantage of the special event call sign GB70BOA . CW or SSB may be used. See below for more details.

3rd May - 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic - GB70BOA


On Wednesday May 22nd  as part of the Battle of Atlantic Commemoration, Chester & District Amateur Radio Society have a whole day for the club to operate from Fort Perch Rock, New Brighton (pictured left).

The venue will be open from 10:00 for club members and 11:00 for visitors. The site will close at 17:00.   Everyone is welcome - but can club members who would like to operate or visit please supply David Oakden G3UFO with names and CALLSIGNS.  This is for David to organise you a free pass.

Operation from this site will be on a Fun Day basis - The venue is open to the public and a member of the Maritime Radio Museum (Wallasey) will be on hand to fend off the general public whilst you are operating.  Tea and Coffee and biscuits will be provided FREE to club members. The on site Cafe' does offer cakes soft drinks etc.  The entry price to the public is £3 per adult and children go free, so please register so that David can produce your pass.  If you want to operate either on HF or VHF SSB or CW please indicate at what times you may be available so that an ad hoc operating list can be produced.

The fort itself also has other attractions. The Titanic Room, HMS Thetis exhibition , Beatles Memorabilia and Aircraft reclamation - this has a fine display of aircraft engines recovered after WW2 including the Rolls Royce Merlin from the 'The Aircraft in the Park (Birkenhead Park). And most of all the location has a fine view of the river (Lets hope the weather has the same idea.)

Car Parking:- There is car parking adjacent to the Fort next to the lake. There should be no problem on the Wednesday but at weekends parking is nearly impossible. However the vintage bus group offer a service down the whole length of Harrison Drive. For the keen Golfers there is a new clock golf course (worldclass) just opened. Go on I dare you!!! - It's on Harrison Drive just before you get to the Morrisons supermarket.

Look forward to seeing you on the day.

73s David G3UFO


17th April - Annual Dinner May 28th.

A reminder to all members who are planning to attend our Annual Dinner on May 28th to let Bruce know their menu choices. For those who have not seen or lost their copy the menu options can be seen by clicking here. All members and wives/partners are encouraged to attend our annual get together and to bring guests. The cost is £17.50 per head This year has a special guest speaker, Edward Sutherland, so don't miss it.

12th April - Operating Afternoon at Chester Motor Boat Club

Our first Operating Afternoon of the new season starts on Tuesday 16th April at the Chester Motor Boat Club located in Sandy Lane, Chester. Those members unsure of exactly where the club is located should contact either M0CVP or G3TZO. It is normal practice to meet first at the Peacock Hotel, 158 Christleton Road in Chester (CH3 5TD for SatNav) around 12.00 hrs for lunch. We then make our way down to the Chester MBC in time to commence operations circa 13.30hrs. If there is any uncertainty over bad weather preventing play the web site (Stop Press) will carry details. There is plenty of free off road parking on the grassed area lining the Sandy Lane Recreational Area just before the MBC entrance.

18th April Battle of the Atlantic Anniversary



The special event callsign GB70BOA will be activated from Fort Perch Rock at the Mersey entrance between 20th and 27th May inclusive. Activity will take place on all band 80M to 10M and VHF/UHF 144 and 432 Mhz all modes.
Hosted by the Marine Radio Museum Society (Wallasey) resident callsign GB4FPR, operators from Wirral & District Amateur Radio Club (WADARC), Chester And District Amateur Radio Society (CADARS) and a contest contingent from the Tall Trees Group (G5D) are hoping to make over 2800 contacts during this period.

This is to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of The Atlantic in which over 2800 allied ships were lost.  A special QSL card is being produced in commemoration. Details via  GB70BOA is part of the official recognition of this event.

We will be operating on Wednesday 22nd May. Any members interested in taking part should make this known in advance by contacting any Committee Member. Check the BOA Website for more details and QRZ.COM


9th January - RSGB Centenary

Arrangements for our operation to celebrate the RSGB's Centenary were discussed and agreed at the Committee Meeting on 8th January. We will be using the Call Sign G100RSGB operating from the Waverton Institute on Tuesday 22nd January. It is planned that operation will commence from 10.00am with volunteers requested to get to Waverton from 09.00 onwards to get the station up and running. The club's K3 will be used exclusively from the main room in the Institute with any members wishing to operate VHF/UHF bands operating from the car park. Those wishing to do so will need to co-ordinate operations with the main station to avoid mutual QRM. It is envisaged that the station will stay in operation until the early evening subject to volunteer operators being present. Any member who has a specific time that they would like to volunteer their services to operate should contact either M0CVP or G3TZO.

23rd December - Check out the new online video available

For those who missed, or would like to see again, you can view the video of John Goldberg, G3ETH's, Vintage Wireless Collection which is linked from the Useful Information page.

21/12/12 - Sad News via G4JMF

News received today that Rita Wardle the XYL of past President and Chairman of the Society Dennis Wardle, G3EWZ, has passed away aged 93. The funeral will be at Chester Crematorium on 3 January at 11:30am.

18/12/12 - Society members gain success in gaining Diamond DXCC awards

  Pictured left are Keith GW4OKT and David G3UFO proudly displaying their newly acquired Diamond DXCC awards. The current DXCC standings show Only 16 other G stations have obtained this award.

Keith says they were quite surprised how difficult this award was, with only a little over 200 countries to pick from! Keith started in January 2012, but then suggested (in October) to David that he should have a go. They both pulled out all the stops to reach the magic 100.


15/12/12 - Changes re Operating Evenings

At the Committee Meeting on Tuesday 11th Dec it was was agreed to discontinue Operating Evenings at the Waverton Institute during the winter months. This decision was arrived at due to the apparent dwindling of interest on cold dark evenings and the attendant difficulty of antenna erection. The vacant programme slot will be filled with a normal meeting in the Burley Hall. The first date affected is that in February.

24/11/12 - 70th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic

The Committee are looking for help with operations covering 24 to 27 May 2013 inclusive at Perch Rock to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic. Please let either M0CVP or G3TZO know if you would like to get involved.

24/11/12 - RSGB Centenary 24 to 27 May 2013

The Committee are also looking for commitment to help with putting on a Special Event Stations on 22 January to recognise the RSGB Centenary. It is likely that we will be seeking to use a Special Event Call on the day. Please let either M0CVP or G3TZO know if you would like to get involved.

24/11/12 - Jamboree on the air 2013.

The Society has received a request for help to aid the Helsby Scouts with JOTA next October. Will any members who would like to get involved in supporting this event let either M0CVP or G3TZO know.

24/11/12 - Club Net

The committee are trying to reinvigorate our activity on the club net by trying to establish what time of day, mode and band suit the membership best. If there is interest in a net on more than one band it is envisaged that more than one club net could take place. Bruce, M0CVP, has devised two forms which can be downloaded by clicking on these two links Form 1 & Form 2. Can members let Bruce have their preferences by completing the forms and returning to him via email or at an upcoming meeting.

11/10/12 - Stop Press

To check for late changes to the program including outside activities such as Operating Afternoon/Evenings check the new "Stop Press" banner located on the Home Page.

17/8/12 - Lighthouses on the Air Weekend 18th - 19th August

We have received an update from Gordon G6MMM (WADARC) letting us know of their participation in International Lighthouses and Lightships on the air weekend which takes place this Saturday and Sunday (18th - 19th August). There are two Lighthouses on the Wirral activated. Geoff (G4WUA) and many other WADARC club members will be operating GB4LL from LEASOWE LIGHTHOUSE but David (G3UFO) will also be operating from PERCH ROCK in NEW BRIGHTON. LEASOWE LIGHTHOUSE is open to the public on Sunday but WADARC & C&DRS members will have access on Saturday as well. Come along and visit. You can have a hands on session and operate if you want or just log or watch. At NEW BRIGHTON the station will be running mainly on C.W. in the Maritime Radio Exhibition at FORT PERCH ROCK so opening times are restricted to those of the Fort. All details are on the WADARC website.

14/8/12 - Operations from Chester Motor Boat Club

Following discussions with the Chester Motor Boat Club it has been agreed that we will have the use of the club for future operating afternoons on the basis of having agreed dates with them in advance. The general format envisaged is similar to that we had at the Waverton Institute with members wishing to take lunch at the Peacock (Boughton Heath) meeting at around 12.0pm and then operations commencing circa 13.30 at the Boat Club in Sandy Lane, Chester. A trial run is planned (weather permitting) on Wednesday 15th August on the basis outlined above. It's unlikely that the Peacock element will be rained off!

14/8/12 - John Goldberg G3ETH Silent Key

It is with considerable sadness that we have to record the death of John Goldberg - G3ETH whose funeral took place in Christleton on Friday 10th August. John was a longstanding member and regular attendee of the Society contributing many interesting lectures on a variety of subjects. It is hoped that with the help of John's family that a video record of John's interest in Vintage Wireless can be acquired and used as a tribute to a well respected member and friend.

4/7/12 - Outside operating at Little Neston 25th July - Operations Commence circa 12.30pm

Just to give those intending to operate an idea of who is planning to operate which bands the following list indicates those who have indicated their intentions so far. Please email any updates to either Bruce or Paul.

Call Band/s Modes
G4JMF 3.5/7.0 Mhz SSB
G6IFA 2m/4m/70cm FM
G3UFO 24Mhz & 18Mhz CW

It is anticipated we will probably gather about 12.0 - 12.30 and those wishing to have lunch will do so before setting up the equipment. The Harp Inn serves drinks only so bring your own sustenance.

12/6/12 - Operating Evenings/Afternoons

Members will probably be aware that the move from Operating Evenings to Afternoons has not proved a total success due to unforeseen clashes with Bowling Competitions taking place at the Waverton Institute. The Committee has agreed that in the short term the next Operating event will move from Wednesday afternoon (27th June) to the evening of Tuesday 26th June at 8.0pm. A long term solution to the problem is being pursued and members will be advised accordingly.

12/6/12 - Outside operating at Little Neston 25th July - Operations Commence circa 12.30pm

The final scheduled operating event before our Summer break will take place at Little Neston (Sat Nav to CH64 0TB) on Wednesday 25th July. It is envisaged that the event will take the form of previous outings such as to the Hanmer Arms, where members are encouraged to bring their own equipment/antennas. it is envisaged that those attending may bring a picnic lunch as the Harp Pub immediately adjacent to the site of our proposed operations can only offer liquid refreshment. Committee members will be visiting the site to evaluate the best location for parking and to check if specific permissions are required. Check this Noticeboard for updates. If the sun shines we should have a great day!

01/6/12 - Visit to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency's Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre at Crosby (5th June)

A visit has been arranged to the Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre at Crosby on 5th June. The MRCC have asked us to arrive for 19.30 but so far have not asked for specific visitor numbers. For those members intending to go to Crosby please drop an email to Paul, G3TZO or Bruce M0CVP. The Centre's address is HM Coastguard, Hall Road West, Crosby, Liverpool, L23 8SY. When you arrive at the station the Car Park has a barrier. Just drive up to the barrier and announce who you are. It is suggested we all arrive at least 5 minutes before going in and then all go in together.

01/06/12 - Olympic Torch Special Event Station


The Society has been thanked by the WAB Group for its participation in the Olympic Torch Relay by a Certificate of Thanks pictured left.


9/5/12 - Olympic Torch Special Event Station

In conjunction with the Worked All Britain Awards Group the society will have the call GX4WAB on Wednesday May 30th to celebrate the presence of the Olympic Torch in Chester. The Torch will actually arrive the previous day and will leave Chester on the 30th May. We intend to operate all bands from 80m through 2m (including 6m) from our operating base at the Waverton Institute. Members are encouraged to come along on the day to assist in both getting us operational and doing some operating. We will have our own PC available on the day so those wanting to try some PSK31 will have the opportunity. Check out the Worked All Britain Awards Group web site for more information (scroll down the page for link) and Cheshire West & Chester's web site for the route. Operations are scheduled to commence from about 10.0am and continue as long as members wish on the day. Given good weather it is anticipated that we may get the barbecue going for those who wish to bring some sustenance with them.

9/5/12 - Afternoon Operating

Following problems resulting from a clash with a regular Bowls competition taking place at Waverton Institute on Tuesday's during the summer the Committee have decided to move the Operating Afternoon to a Wednesday. A show of hands at the last regular meeting indicated that this was an acceptable solution to continuing the experiment with afternoon operations. As before it is expected that operations will commence about 1.30pm allowing those who want to join together for lunch at the Black Dog in Waverton to do so.

3/5/12 - Annual Dinner

Just a reminder for all those coming to the Annual Dinner on 15th May to get your payments to the Hon Treasurer as soon as possible. Numbers have been given to Cheshire View now but there may still be a chance for latecomers to be added to the list of attendees.

13/4/12 - Annual Dinner

Just a reminder to that that have not done so to confirm attendance and menu preferences for our Annual Dinner on 15th May at Cheshire View, Christleton to either Bruce M0CVP or Paul G3TZO. Please note 7.30pm for pre dinner drinks with the meal being served at 8.0pm.

13/4/12 - Titanic Centenary

Society member, and former merchant marine radio officer, Dave Oakden G3UFO marked the Titanic centenary with a day's operation at Fort Perch Rock. Click on the video below to see David in action.


13/4/12 - Subscriptions

At the Annual General Meeting on 3rd April a proposal was passed to raise Annual Subscriptions to £20.0 from 1/4/12.

17/3/12 - Annual Dinner

The 2012 Annual Dinner will take place at Cheshire View on 15th May 2012 with tickets priced at £17.0 per person. A copy of the Menu can be downloaded by clicking here. RSGB President Dave Wilson and RSGB Region 3 Manager Kath Wilson will be our guests of honour. We look forward to seeing a great turn out on the night. To confirm your menu choice and book places at the Annual Dinner contact either Bruce M0CVP or Paul G3TZO. Check this Noticeboard for any further updates.

28/2/12 - RSGB Club of the Year Competition

News has been received from the RSGB that the Chester & District Radio Society has been awarded "RSGB Region 3 Club of the Year". Further details are not yet to hand but the Society will now go forward together with other Regional winners to compete for the ultimate accolade of "RSGB Club of the Year". As any further information is received it will be posted here.


Those members who enjoyed the lecture on Propagation and Antennas by Brian Austin, G0GSF, on 21st Feb may be interested in the Ionosonde charts available from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire. Registration is required to access the web site (simply give your email address to register) and click here. Brian's slides from the evening in PowerPoint format can be downloaded by clicking here. Please note that the slides are provided for individual use only and must not be used publicly without prior permission from Brian Austin G0GSF (QTHR). A free PowerPoint viewer from Microsoft can be downloaded by clicking here.


The Society has entered this years RSGB "Club of the Year Competition". Entries closed at the end of January with results by Region being announced in early March.


At the Committee Meeting on 14th February it was agreed that from March 2012 all future "Operating Evenings" would become "Operating Afternoons". In a significant break with the tradition of all meeting being held in an evening it was agreed that Operating in particular was ideally suited to experimenting with the concept of a daytime get together. The advantages are obvious with no need for getting cold or wet now on a dark winter evening and the prospect of pleasant summer afternoons in a convivial atmosphere.


The latest Foundation Licence course is scheduled to take place over the weekend of 24th/25th February ay the Society's Burley Hall venue. The course, being run by Bruce M0CVP and John G0KKO, is fully subscribed with 6 candidates hoping to make the grade. Those interesting in taking part in a future Foundation Licence course should contact Bruce M0CVP by email.


Members intending to take part in future Operating Evenings are asked to bring their own headphones.


Following his well deserved award of the Alan Warne Rosebowl Trophy at our Christmas Dinner last Tuesday (see Previous Events for photos) Bruce Sutherland, M0CVP, has emailed to thank those who voted for him.

Those of you who attended the Christmas Social on 13 December will, no doubt, have been aware that I was very surprised when Dave Hicks announced that the membership had voted that I should be awarded the Alan Warne Memorial Rose Bowl this year. This was totally unexpected. The Rose Bowl is, according to the rules, awarded each year “To the person who, in the opinion of the membership, has made the most significant contribution to the Society during the last twelve months.” I hadn't thought that my contribution to the Society during the last year had been particularly significant but I am honoured that the membership thought otherwise and that my name will be added to the list of worthy past winners. Finally I would like to thank all those who considered my efforts worthy of recognition and who, therefore, voted for me to be this year’s recipient.

My sincere thanks to you all.

Bruce    (M0CVP)


Please note that tonight's Operating Evening has been cancelled due to high winds preventing erection of the antenna at the Waverton Institute. There will be a "Natter Night" instead in the Waverton Institute which is immediately adjacent to our normal meeting venue at the Burley Hall.


Please note that next Tuesday 22nd November is a surplus equipment sale at which silent key equipment listed on the Members Ads page plus donated equipment intended to benefit the Society will be sold. This is a "not to be missed" occasion.


For those interested in viewing the videos made by the Society last year, following our procurement of a Elecraft K3 Transceiver for use by the Society and its members, they can now be viewed directly from our Useful Information page.


In a break with tradition and to enliven the programme the annual construction competition has been moved to 3rd Jan 2012 ( or the Committee forgot to schedule it in December !). With the Christmas break now available to finish that current project there is every incentive to bring something along.


Members are reminded that votes can now be cast for the Alan Warne Rose bowl Trophy which is presented at our Christmas Dinner in December. The trophy is awarded each year to a person, who in the opinion of the membership, has made the most significant contribution to the Society during the last 12 months. Nominations should go to our President Dave Hicks, G6IFA.


The family of Chester resident Cyril Haselden G0SGN have contacted the Society to inform us that sadly Cyril died recently and that they would like the Society to help dispose of his amateur radio equipment. Items for sale are listed on the Members Ads page. Included in the list is a Kenwood TS850S which will be subject to a sealed bid procedure to maximise the sum returned to Cyril's estate. Bids for other items should be submitted to the usual Members Ads email address. Any items not sold will be for sale at the Surplus Equipment sale on 22nd November.


At the recent Committee Meeting it was agreed that the cost for the Christmas Social at Cheshire View, Waverton on 13th December would be £16 for members and £22 for others. RSGB President Dave Wilson, M0OBW, with his XYL Kath Wilson, M1CNY will be our guests of honour. Contact Barbara Green for tickets.


See updates to operating schedule for the Boat Museum event accurate as at 17.00 Thursday 28/7. Still slots available!!


The Society has purchased a new Samsung Notebook (formerly known as Laptops) for use on nights where previously we had to use a machine loaned by a member. The Notebook will also be used for data modes such as PSK31 and will see its first outing at the National Waterways Museum (see below) linked to our K3 HF Transceiver.


The Operators Time Table for our operations at the National Waterways Museum in Ellesmere Port (see below) is now available for members to add their names to. A few people have already booked slots but there are still quite a few requiring filling. Any member who wishes to have a spell operating during the weekend should email either Paul G3TZO or Bruce M0CVP, just click on either name to send an email. The Operators Time Table as at 29/7 can be viewed by clicking here. Pick your times and email the details. It is planned to have one operator and one logger in each slot and obviously either can reverse roles if wished.


Planning for operations at the National Waterways Museum at Ellesmere Port during the Inland Waterways Festival taking place from Friday 29th- Sunday 31st July 2011 has advanced. We now hold the Special Event call GB0NWM and will be operating from "Bigmere" pictured below moored at her berth in Ellesmere Port. For those interested in the British Inland Waterways on the Air (BiWota) event taking place over the same weekend there is a dedicated BiWota web site giving details.


Photo courtesy Chris G0PJX


The Society is organising a station to operate from the National Waterways Museum at Ellesmere Port during the Inland Waterways Festival taking place during Friday 29th- Sunday 31st July 2011. We plan to have a Special Event Call and operate all HF bands plus 2m & 70cm. The weekend will coincide with a planned "British Inland Waterways on the Air" event for stations operating on or close to Inland Waterways. All those keen to have a spell operating over that weekend are urged to speak with Bruce M0CVP who is compiling an operating roster to ensure we have sufficient cover for the event. More details will follow as we get them.


The RAYNET talk on 7th June stimulated much interest in a variety of information which can be accessed via the links below. Thanks to Chris Moulding, G4HYG, for the information;

The main Raynet web page:

The Greater Manchester Raynet web page:

Cheshire Raynet:

The APRSIS32 APRS program:

APRS Messenger program:

The AX25-SCS program (original web page):

A Windows installer for AX25-SCS:

Raynet Messenger (the one with the multimode receiver)

A web page showing the APRS activity in NW England:



Following the Committee Meeting on 10th May agreement was reached on how to fill unfilled Committee posts following the recent AGM. The following changes were agreed; John Langan, G0KKO, will step down as Chairman and take on the role of Treasurer. Paul Holland, G3TZO, will step down from Vice Chairman and take on the role of Chairman. Bruce Sutherland, M0CVP, will taken on the job of Vice Chairman. Following discussions which had taken place prior to the meeting with the outgoing Secretary Barbara Green it was agreed that Keith Williams, GW4OKT, would assume the role of Minutes Secretary. Barbara will continue to liaise with external bodies in relation to bookings of Dinners and outdoor events etc. Additionally it was agreed that Bruce would support Keith and Barbara with secretarial tasks relating to the programme. A meeting between the three members of the new Secretariat was planned to finalise working arrangements.


The recent AGM saw the retirement of Barbara Green as Secretary and Brian Levett G3TXH as Treasurer - a move that was well flagged in advance and was subject to many appeals for members to step forward and support the Society in these roles. In the event the AGM passed without volunteers to do either of these jobs. The Constitution of the Society makes it essential for us to elect four Officers and four members at an AGM and as such the Society can not continue to operate without a properly constituted Committee. All members are, therefore, being circulated with an appeal for them to take up the duties of one of these offices. Any member who does so can count on the support of all the currently elected Committee and the former incumbents of these posts to ensure the Society can continue to thrive.


The Society's latest construction project was given the go ahead at the Committee Meeting on 12th April. The project to build an LCD meter will be led By Alistair Peacock, G3NHP, with assistance where needed from a number of other experienced constructors. The cost of the project will be £26.0 which includes all the components necessary to build the L/C Meter. No kits will be ordered until monies are received so those wishing to take part in the project should make a cheque payable to "Chester & District Radio Society" and bring it along to the next meeting. It is anticipated that there will be a cut off date before the next Committee Meeting in May beyond which no further cheques will be accepted. This will ensure that the project can start to get under some time in May.


With the introduction of regular Operating Evenings/Portable Outings and improved condition on the HF bands the Society has now had QSL cards printed. Keith Williams GW4OKT has very kindly agreed to act as QSL Manager. Those members who use the Society's two call signs G3GIZ and G8GIZ are reminded to ensure respective Log Books are up to date to assist Keith in his task. Click here to see the card front.


At the Committee Meeting on 12th January it was agreed that with immediate effect the fee for visitors will rise from £1.0 per meeting to £2.0. It was hoped that this will not deter regular visitors who attend on a semi regular basis but would act an incentive to those visitors who were considering becoming full members of the Society.


The Society held its AGM on 5th April, A well attended meeting saw a new Committee elected. Details are as follows;

President - Dave Hicks G6IFA

Chairman - John Langan G0KKO

Vice Chairman - Paul Holland G3TZO

Secretary - Post not filled

Treasurer - Post not filled

Committee - Bruce Sutherland M0CVP, Chris Seward, G0PJX, Dave Ollerhead, G4JMF, Ray Williams G1PRL, Keith Williams GW4OKT, Bill Silversides M3SHK.

The Committee Page will be updated in due course to reflect the changes.


Check out the latest info on the Previous Events Page for news on the upcoming L/C Meter Kit Project.


During the Operating Evening which took place last night (29th March) there was considerable excitement when it was found that both the 15m and 12m bands were open for stateside contacts with excellent signals both ways well after 21.00. Several contacts were made using the K3 Transceiver and Doublet Antenna with 5 8/9 reports from Long Island New York and 5/6 from VE3 land. Perhaps conditions are on the up.............


The Foundation Licence course which took place last weekend (25/26th March) once again proved successful with seven candidates meeting the standard. The youngest candidate, Rebecca, is aged 8 and is proudly showing her certificate alongside the other candidates in the photo below. Photo courtesy Gerald Davies who is pictured first left.


For those members interested in a simple project to build an L/C Meter there will be an opportunity to discuss the project at the Operating Evening on 29th March. Alistair Peacock, G3NHP, has volunteered to assist with the project and will be bringing a sample of the kit along on that evening. The cost is estimated at circa £20.0.


Another "Radio Picnic" has been arranged to be held at the Hanmer Arms Hotel, Near Whitchurch, where portable equipment / aerials can be set up on the lawn adjacent to the hotel car park. Hanmer is about 25 miles from Chester. Members generally arrive from 11 am onwards; it makes a very pleasant social day out with wives/partners coming also and having lunch in the restaurant. A bar and tea/coffee are available all day at the hotel and members who prefer to take their own drink and snacks to consume whilst outside are welcome to do so. The hotel is right in the village of Hanmer which has an interesting history. The location is in WAB Square SJ43 and the
NGR SJ455398. If possible please please let the Hon Sec know if you intend coming so that the hotel has an idea of how many to expect for lunch.


The Society is organising a radio operating weekend for 610 Squadron Air Training Corp (Chester) at their ATC premises in Abbots Park, Chester CH1 4AN. Any members willing to help run the station and tell the cadets about amateur radio will be welcome there from 11am to 6pm on Saturday 19th March and between11 am and 4pm on Sunday 20th March.


Check out the Members Ads page to see the residual equipment belonging to the late Harry Teaney, GW0PKA, and not sold at the recent Surplus Equipment Sale listed.


The Society is pleased to announce that Rob Mannion, G3XFD, the Editor of Practical Wireless has agreed to be our Guest of Honour at the Society's Annual Dinner to be held at Cheshire View, Christleton on Tuesday May 17th.


The scheduled Surplus Equipment Sale on 15th February will include equipment owned by the late Harry Teaney, GW0PKA. Due to the nature of this sale all other equipment brought by members for disposal will be offered once all Harry's equipment has been sold. A good turn out is expected from members who wish to properly support this sale.


610 Squadron (Chester) of the Air Training Corp based at Abbots Park in Chester have asked the Society to put on a demonstration of amateur radio with a view to us then running a Foundation Licence course for interested cadets. The demonstration is likely to be on a weekend (probably a Sunday) on a date yet to be fixed. The Society is delighted to have the opportunity to work with the ATC in this way and looks forward to perhaps a few new members in due course. Details will be made available when arrangements have been finalised. It is hoped we will be using the special event call GB610SQN on the day.


The next Foundation Licence Course is penciled in for 25th & 26th February 2011 at the Burley Hall and will be run as usual by John Langan, G0KKO and Bruce Sutherland, M0CVP. Anybody interested in the next course (dates to be fixed) should get in touch with the Hon Sec who will pass their name on to John & Bruce. Applications are welcomed from anybody in the area with an interest in gaining a Foundation Licence.


Intermediate Licence Success

After passing the Foundation Licence exam in December 2009 (as mentioned in May 2010 Radcom), school teacher Chris Gozzard M6GOZ, a member of Chester & District Radio Society, spent most of last year working in Lesotho. Immediately after Christmas 2010, he returned to another teaching post in South Africa.  However at very short notice before his departure, an Intermediate Licence course was arranged, which he passed, gaining a 96% pass mark.  Now back in South Africa, he hopes to have better luck in contacting amateurs than when in Lesotho.

RSGB Regional Manager Kath Wilson M1CNY presenting Chris with his Intermediate Licence certificate


Check the Previous Events page for hot off the press pictures of the Society's Annual Christmas Dinner. This year it was held on 14th December at Cheshire View near Chester. RSGB President Dave Wilson, M0OBW, with his wife Kath, M1CNY, were the guests of honour. The evening was a glittering affair highlighted by the awards ceremony which followed the meal with Bruce Sutherland, M0CVP, and Keith Williams. GW4OKT receiving the G3FNV Shield and G4EZO Rose Bowl respectively.


The Annual Construction Contest was held on 7th December with a good number of entries submitted. Judging was kindly undertaken by Phil Stevens, G3SES, who marked all entries as has having a high standard of construction. The winner was adjudged to be Bruce Sutherland, M0CVP, who will be presented with the G3FNV Shield at the Society's Annual Dinner on Tuesday 14th December at Cheshire View, Christleton. Bruce will be talking about his winning project at the meeting on 4th January 2011. For those not at the meeting last night they will have to wait till then to see what Bruce built!


Members are advised that at the Societies meeting on 7th December at Burley Hall the Secretary confirmed that no sealed bids had been received in respect of the TS940 referred to in the notice below. It was agreed amongst the members present that the deadline should be extended to the end of January 2011 to give the maximum opportunity for members to submit a bid. As before Bids in a sealed envelope should be posted or handed personally to the Secretary and Marked Clearly with the wording TS 940 BID.


At their meeting on 10th November the Committee agreed to go ahead with the planned disposal of the Society's Trio TS-940S HF Transceiver. The plan to dispose of this rig resulted from the decision earlier in the year to purchase an Elecraft K3 100W HF Transceiver. Disposal will be by way of sealed bids with a minimum value of £350.0. Bids will be opened on 7th December on the evening of the annual construction competition. Entry is restricted to current Society members only. Bids in a sealed envelope should be posted or handed personally to the Secretary and Marked Clearly with the wording TS 940 BID.


For those with 2011 diaries already there is one date to put down - Wednesday 13th April will be the next re-run of the ever popular inter club quiz with the Wirral & Distinct Amateur Radio Society and will be held again at their Irby Cricket Club venue.


The Society is hoping to run the next Foundation Licence Course at the Burley Hall early in the New Year. Several names have already been added to the list of prospective candidates and those wishing to get on the next course should get in touch with Bruce, M0CVP via email


A reminder to all members that the Society will be active from the Chester Motor Boat Club in Sandy Lane, Chester this coming Sunday 19th October. We will be operating HF with our new K3 transceiver and doublet antenna. Soup will be provided but bring any other food you wish for lunchtime. Operation is envisaged to start from about 10.0am until late afternoon. Lots of free parking is available next to the adjacent Chester Sailing Club (park on the grass - not the road).


An appeal to all members from Brian, G3TXH, to let him know if they were the person to whom he loaned his handbook on the GB3PZ interlinked repeater. Brian is now keen to get the handbook back. He confirms that no late return fees will be due!


Further to the notice below dated 10/9 Chester Motor Boat Club have now kindly agreed to CDRS operating a portable radio station at their premises in Sandy Lane, Chester. It is hoped as many members as possible will come for some time during the day. The CMBC bar will be open and hot soup available, but otherwise please bring your own “picnic”.


GM3TZO/P will be on the air during the week commencing Sunday 12/9/10 from the County of Sutherland, North West Scotland. WAB Square NC16 and QRA Locator IO78KL. Listen out mornings and late afternoons around 7.130Mhz +/-. First sked is with G0PJX at 11.00am on Sunday 12/9 - call in if you hear anything.


For those who like to plan ahead you may wish to pencil Sunday 17th October in your diaries. Although not yet confirmed plans are being made for a final "Radio Picnic" of the year to be held at Chester Motor Boat Club located in Sandy Lane, Chester. It is envisaged that we will be putting an HF station on the air from the riverside location and enjoying the excellent facilities on offer. More details will be posted as they are agreed.


At our first meeting after the summer break on Tuesday 7th September it was clear that perhaps not all people had received a copy of the Questionnaire circulated recently by our Hon Sec. The committee is anxious to test the opinion of all those interested in the Societies regular programme of events to have their say on what we do. A copy of the questionnaire can be downloaded by clicking here. Just hand it in at the next meeting or post/email to the Hon Sec by the end of September.


Following the issue of the Society's latest Asset List members will note that a very ancient HP Model 180A/AR which has a Model 1801A Dual Channel Vert Amp and a Model 1821A TB & Delay Generator is due to be scrapped. This scope has been stored now at various QTH's and has no known service or serviceability record. As a final chance to any member who may wish to take ownership of this piece of equipment it will remain in storage until the end of July at which point it will be scrapped. Contact G3TZO for details. (Now scrapped as of 10/9/10))


Excellent news in that the latest Foundation Licence Course is reaching it's climax over the period of Friday evening 30th July and Saturday 31st July. There are 5 candidates to whom we wish the very best of luck. The course is being run as before by John Langan, G0KKO and Bruce Sutherland, M0CVP.


The committee can now confirm that the Society is now the owner of an Elecraft K3 160 - 10m, 100-W High Performance All-Mode Transceiver. The transceiver is in kit form and will be the subject of a series of lectures during which film of its construction will be shown. As the membership were told when agreement was sought to purchase the transceiver it is hoped that the project will inspire current and new members joining the Society to build and operate their own equipment. Further projects for low budget construction are in the pipeline and details will be made available as soon as possible.


At the last Committee Meeting on 13th July it was agreed to circulate a questionnaire to all members and former members for whom we still have contact details. The objective of the questionnaire will be to sound out areas of interest for future club lectures and activities to ensure the Society is best meeting the needs of members. Look out for the questionnaire over the next few weeks.


The Society is planning to operate a special event call sign celebrating 50 years of the Chester Motor Boat Club which has its base in Sandy Lane, Chester. Tentatively scheduled for the weekend of 28-30th August the event would be based at the CMBC's superb river front location enjoying BBQ, picnic, bar and toilet facilities. As details become available they will be posted here.


Due to lack of demand the Morse Classes run by Chris G0PJX at the Waverton Institute have been suspended.


The Chester Astronomical Society will welcome CDRS members to their meeting at Burley Memorial Hall, on 26th May when Dr Martyn Kinder is giving a talk titled "Amateur Radio Astronomy".The meeting is free to attend and will start at 7.30 p.m.


The Committee has now formally agreed that all future Operating Evenings and Committee Meetings will take place at the Waverton Institute which is immediately adjacent to our regular meeting venue at the Burley Hall. The management of the Waverton Institute have agreed to allow the Society to erect a 40ft collapsible mast at the rear of the Institute adjacent to the conservatory from where we will operate. A mast has now been procured from Moonraker for this purpose and should be erected in the next few weeks. Any antenna using the mast will be erected on a temporary basis and can be stored at the Institute if we wish. Members should take care to note from the What's On page where meetings are being held to ensure they park in the correct car park! (you can see pictures of the Waverton Institute on the Previous Events page)


A recent letter received by the Hon Sec from Sid Ainsworth, G0HTP, recently advised that Sid is currently not feeling up to attending on a regular basis. Sid passes on his regards to all Society members and hopes to keep in touch as best he can. The Committee has passed it's best wishes onto Sid and hopes he can put in an appearance whenever he feels able to do so.


Following the Committee Meeting on 11th May 2010 it was agreed to confirm Bill Siversides, M3SHK as our first Asset Manager. Bill's task will be to manage the Society's Assets in accordance with the new Asset Policy and a set of terms of reference for the post including rules for loan and care of assets also agreed by the Committee. The Committee is very grateful to Bill for offering to take on this new role and hopes members will take advantage of assets owned by the Society for the benefit of the membership. Details of the Asset Policy and the terms of reference Bill operates under can be found on the Useful Information page.


CDRS Badged Sweatshirts / T-shirts. The prices for the sweatshirts and T-shirts with our logo embroidered on as mentioned below are:  

Sweatshirts     up to Extra Large (to fit 48" chest)    £15.30, XXL (to fit 50" chest)    £16.50  

T-shirts           All sizes the same price    White   £6.25 Coloured     £6.60

A range of colours are available for both, though some colours such as red or black (due to the logo colours) are not suitable. 3 more orders are needed to complete the minimum order to avoid a surcharge.    Please contact the Hon Sec if you wish to order one. Payment will be required before the order is placed with Darts of Chester.



Just to confirm that in future all Operating Evenings and Committee Meetings will be held at the Institute located next door to the Burley Hall. All other meetings will be held at the Burley Hall as usual. The Institute has a large car park which is free to use by members of the Society.


CDRS Badged Sweatshirts / T-shirts. Prices have now been obtained for sweatshirts and T-shirts with our logo embroidered on. A range of colours are available for both, though some colours such as red or black (due to the logo colours) are not suitable. Please contact the Hon Sec for full details if you wish to order one. Payment will be required before the order is placed with Darts of Chester.


Just a reminder regarding the "Radio Picnic" at Hanmer Arms Hotel, Hanmer, near Whitchurch on 4th May. The Hotel provides an area adjacent to the main car park for the erection of portable equipment/aerials. Members generally arrive from 11 am onwards to enjoy a very pleasant social day out with wives/partners with most people having lunch in the Hotel's restaurant. Fingers are firmly crossed for a fine dry day. The Hon Sec is asking all of you who intend coming to let her know so the hotel has an idea of how many will be there for lunch.


Surplus Equipment Sale April 20th. A good attendance by members & visitors makes the evening worthwhile, but it is even better, or rather essential, if there are items to auction. Please bring items you no longer need but which others can find a use for. Apart from 10% to CDRS funds, you get the proceeds of the sale.


The Notice Board provides a useful way of communicating to all members (both past and present) and especially those who for various reasons may be unable to attend meetings on a regular basis. Your scribe doesn't always hear news which may be of interest so if you have a snippet suitable for inclusion please let me know via the Hon Sec.


The next Foundation Licence Course is in the final phase of planning with a number of candidates names already penciled in. There may be a few places left for those interested who should contact the Hon Sec in the first instance. Courses are run at the Burley Hall.


The likelihood of Morse Classes commencing has now increased with a number of members putting their names forward. Any more interested members or prospective members should contact the Hon Sec to confirm their interest. Classed will be run in the Burley Hall prior to normal meetings and are likely to commence at 7.15pm.


The new Committee for 2010 as voted for at the Society's AGM on 26th February can be viewed on the Committee Members Page.


The Society is considering the possibility of running Morse Classes at some point in the future. Any members or prospective future members with an interest in gaining or enhancing their morse skills are invited to express their interest in these classes to the Hon Sec.


The Wirral Club have invited the Society to take part in another round of our regular inter club quizzes. The date has been fixed for Wednesday 14th April at their Irby Cricket Club venue. The start time will be 8.0pm. Please note that this is an extra meeting taking place on the Wednesday after the Committee meets on Tuesday 13th April. All members are encouraged to come and support our team on the night.


Wirral & District Amateur Radio Club will be pleased to welcome any of our members at their meeting on Wednesday 27th January at 8.0 p.m. for a Pre-Owned Bargain Evening (Junk Sale). Their meeting venue is the Club-House of Irby Cricket Club, Mill Hill Road, Irby CH61 4XQ  -  NGR is SJ 254 857

The cricket ground is located on the Eastern side of Mill Hill Road, just over one mile south of the centre of Greasby. The entrance to the ground is set into the hedgerow of a small lay-by formed from what was old Mill Hill Road.


At the committee held last night it was agreed that in view of the continuing inclement weather that the AGM which was due to have been held on January 5th be rescheduled for Tuesday February 23rd at 8.0pm. The Secretary will be in touch with members to confirm.


As you hopefully will be aware our AGM had to be cancelled last week at very late notice due to the appalling weather conditions around the Chester area on Tuesday night. The Committee will be meeting (weather permitting) on Tuesday 12th January 2010 when a revised dated on which to hold the AGM will be discussed. News relating to the revised date will be communicated to members at the next normal meeting on Tuesday 19th January and via this Notice Board.


Congratulations are in order to the 8 successful candidates who took the first Foundation Licence course run by the Society over the weekend of 11th & 12th December. All 8 students were successful in gaining a pass in the course which was run by John Langan G0KKO and Bruce Sutherland M0CVP. We all look forward to seeing some new call signs on the air early in the New Year. Those attending the course are pictured below (photo courtesy of G3KKO)

The successful candidates


Congratulations to our Hon Secretary Barbara Green who received the overwhelming support of members who voted for nominations to receive the Alan Warne Rose Bowl. Barbara received the trophy during the Annual Xmas Social at Whitby Sports & Social Club on 1st December.


The first Foundation Licence course run by the Society will take place over the evening of Friday 11th December and the day of Saturday 12th December 2009 at the Burley Hall venue. The course will be run by John Langan G0KKO and Bruce Sutherland M0CVP with the exam being taken after the course concludes on Saturday evening. The course is fully subscribed with 8 students enrolled so expectations are high for a successful day. Those interested in enrolling for further courses should contact the Secretary in the first instance. Successful candidates will be offered free attendance at Society meetings for 12 months and of course the chance to apply to join the Society at any time thereafter.


Nominations for the Alan Warne Rose Bowl which is awarded each year in December to any member who, in the opinion of other members, has contributed most to the club during the last twelve months are now required.  Previous winners are Dave Ollerhead, John Goldberg, Alan Hopkinson and Lisa Mossop. Please send your nomination for this year direct to our President Dave Hicks G6IFA, as soon as possible. Email           


Re - 27th October Meeting - Radio Amateur Invalid & Blind Club. Our speaker Chris Pearson, a trustee of the RAIBC, is traveling quite some way to talk to us, so once again we hope as many members as possible will come to this meeting.


The Visit by Rob Mannion, Practical Wireless Editor on 3rd November has had to be postponed. Rob has agreed to reschedule his visit for a date to be advised in 2010. Details of the revised programme for the 3rd will be advised as soon as possible. (see What's On)


17th November - Visit to Urenco, Capenhurst
After our presentation on Urenco in May this year, a visit has been arranged to their site, at 18.30 hours on 17th. If you wish to go on the tour of Urenco's premises, please let the Hon Sec have your name as soon as possible, as details must be sent to Urenco very soon. Full name, address and nationality is required for all visitors, and once the list has been submitted, no additions or substitutions will be permitted.


The Societies Constitution is now available to read and download from the Useful Information page


As some of you will know there has been a change of Web Master in the last few days. Grateful thanks are given to Graham Pemberton who has very successfully held the reins to date. Following the next committee meeting in July it is proposed to add a few more pages to the Society's web site in line with what members would like to see. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions they would like reflected in the future please email the Hon Secretary via the Contact Us link below.

Check back here in the next few weeks for further information and news about the Society and its activities


Paul Holland G3TZO