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Welcome to the Chester & District Radio Society - G5CH


RSGB Region 3 Club of the Year Winner 2018

Participation in BIWOTA 2023

We hope this site will keep you informed of what is currently happening within the society



Sunday Morning at 11.30hrs 145.5Mhz FM (then QSY as advised by Net Control)

Monday Evening starting at 19.30 on 3.605 Mhz SSB (LSB)

Tuesday Morning Starting at 11.30 on 7.136 Mhz SSB. QSY as advised by Net Control depending on conditions. Note that Net Control may QSY to 2m if adverse conditions prevail.

Wednesday Morning As a Trial from 3/7/24 at 11.30 via GB7WH - Wrexham,Output frequency:  439.375 MHz , Input Frequency:  430.375 MHz (-9.0 MHz) Tone 110.9

Thursday Morning starting at 11.30 on 5.3985 Mhz SSB (USB) We may QSY if agreed and details will be posted on the clubs Discord channel.

Friday Evening at 21.00hrs on 144.330Mhz SSB. QSY as advised by Net Control depending on conditions.

To check when nets are running download this handy calendar produced by Ian M1ICL.

NB. For those unable to hear a particular station on HF or the 2m/70cm nets there is the option of using G0XBU's 2m and 70cm SDR's at Jodrell or G8UEK Kiwi SDR (HF) or Hack Green (VHF/UHF) / Hack Green (HF).


All local times.

G5CH DXCC Status November 2024 (Courtesy Keith GW4OKT)



Useful Ofcom Links regarding 2024 Licence Changes are on Useful Information

Check out Previous Events for pictures from our Construction Competition.

Pics from our recent 145 Alive activity are now on the Previous Events.

The Monday 80m Net has moved from the morning to the evening. Check above.

New item on Members Ads - Check it out (14/1/25)

Info on the use of Discord is now on the Noticeboard

See all new programme updates and changes through to the beginning of April 2025 on What's On.

Info regarding Online Training assisted by our own trainer Trevor G7REV is to be found here.


Real Time Propagation Data

Courtesy of Paul L Herrman




The Society and its Objectives
The Chester & District Radio Society, founded in 1948, is affiliated to the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB)
. The society shall be an educational body, the object being the discussion, application and furtherance of interest in Amateur Radio and Electronics. It shall also make provisions for charitable and social activities

Do You Have an Interest in Amateur Radio
If you do, take a look at our program for all forthcoming events and talks, keep in mind that the program is always being updated so check it regularly and stay up to date with what’s going on in the society

Why not come along to a meeting and have a chat with the members, we always make visitors most welcome, to find out where and when the meetings are held CLICK HERE

If you would like any further information about the Chester & District Radio just email us for details and
we will get in touch.

Keep up to date

Members and visitors are encouraged to regularly visit the web site for updates on our programme, members ads and all matters of interest affecting the Society.


Membership is open to anybody subject to being proposed and seconded by an existing full member. The current Full Member subscription is £40 per annum. A Membership Application Form can be downloaded by clicking here. When completed either bring the form to the next Society Meeting or send it to our Hon Sec. Contact the Hon Sec for more information.


Visitors to the club are always welcome. Regular visitors will be charged £2.0 per visit with the hope that frequent attendance will encourage them to join us. First time visitors will never be charged.

Club Shop

A visit to our Previous Events page will reveal that many members of the Society can be seen wearing our very stylish lightweight club jacket. The jacket is embroidered with the latest logo of the society which depicts Chester's most distinctive and famous landmark the Eastgate Clock. The logo also incorporates callsigns held by the Society, G5CH, G3GIZ & G8GIZ. The Jackets are available in sizes S, M, L, XL & XXL and all come in black with two side pockets and a zip front. The current price for the jackets is £25.0 each and would normally be handed over at a club meeting. We currently have a small stock of L,XL & XXL which can be supplied immediately. Contact info@cadars if you are interested.  
All the best shacks need a good mug of tea to help the QSO's flow. We can now offer this very stylish mug with your name and call on one side and the latest club logo on the reverse. An ideal present for birthdays and Xmas and as a treat at any time for yourself. Available at £10.0 per mug including postage and packing. Send your details and order to Ian M1ICL at the club shop.  



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Website last updated Thursday 13th February 2025.